Monday, 11 December 2006

Deadlines and Documents

Well, we have worked hard at putting together a general project plan and consortium agreement for the project and they are finally done and dusted. Now we are focusing on getting information out to the colleges and finding out what is actually needed by the community. Had an interesting talk with one member of staff who came up with a lot of ideas that I had no idea about, including getting information on bidding and funding for training etc. This will rely on third parties giving us usable access to their systems (RSS or XML/ JAVA Services) so we will have to see how that one goes. Assuming all goes to plan the final project plan with work packages and full scoping will be available in Feb 07.

Friday, 1 December 2006

1st Project Management Meeting

Well its been a busy week, had a meeting with the university marketing department about getting a project logo together. Have to work closely with them to ensure that the right branding is used, was going to use the Information Services Marketing department but they are busy at the moment with two of their staff off ill so handed over to the main marketing department. The first project management meeting was this morning and managed to get a lot done, the main things include a quick overview of the project plan and consortium agreement so with a few changes these should be out by the end of next week. There are a number of things that need actioning from the meeting by the whole team.